Rescuer Ninel responded to a heartbreaking call about five young pups struggling to survive in harsh winter. Among them were two children and a tiny white puppy, unable to walk.
While one car carried the four other pups to safety, another vehicle was set to take this fragile one to the hospital. As the first car pulled away, his cry echoed through the cold, as if he was begging, “Don’t leave me.”
It felt like he had known this pain before. But soon, Little Smiley’s path will lead him to a place filled with warmth and love.
Smiley’s Road to Recovery
Our journey to Moscow took 12 long hours, but we knew this trip was his only chance at survival. Smiley’s first stop was a bath, something he had never experienced before.
His wide eyes showed surprise as we gently washed him clean. He relaxed, clearly enjoying the warm water that soothed his cold and aching body. He looked up at us, full of wonder, as if he couldn’t believe the kindness being shown to him.
The vet confirmed what we had feared. Smiley had rickets, a condition caused by poor nutrition while he was still in his mother’s womb. He also had a worm infection, further weakening his tiny body. The vet reassured us, explaining that with a simple cast and massage, his legs could heal. We waited with bated breath, hoping Smiley would pull through.
To our relief, in time, his legs grew stronger. He began to take small steps around the house, his determination to walk melting our hearts. I named him Smiley because, despite his hardships, his spirit remained bright.
Facing One Last Challenge
As Smiley grew, we focused on improving his diet, ensuring he got the nutrition he needed. Each day, he became stronger, his coat shinier, and his face more animated with happiness.
One morning, we headed back to the vet for his vaccinations. I felt optimistic, believing the hardest times were behind us. But soon after the injection, things took a turn for the worse. Smiley began to urinate blood. We rushed him back to the vet, fearing the worst. The vet discovered a rupture in his penile lining, requiring emergency surgery.
Tears streamed down my face as I watched him fight through another challenge. Fortunately, the surgery went well, and Smiley bounced back. He began to eat, showing signs of recovery. After everything he had endured, I was determined to ensure his future would be filled with happiness and love.
Today, Smiley is a lively, playful boy. His family, the pups and his mother, have all been adopted by kind-hearted people. Smiley has overcome more struggles than any dog should ever face, but now, he knows what it feels like to be loved. Watching him chase after a ball, tail wagging joyfully, I know that our long journey was worth every moment. His once fragile spirit has transformed, and I can finally say, he is home.
Thank you for being a part of his journey. Smiley’s story is one of hope, love, and resilience, and we are grateful for your support. Stay tuned for more stories of lives we’ve touched.