We’ve all experienced those cringe-worthy moments at social gatherings, right?
For some of us, though, it’s not just a one-time thing—it’s a regular occurrence. I often find myself feeling stiff, wishing nobody would come my way so I can escape back home as quickly as possible.
Recently, while scrolling through TikTok, I stumbled upon something heartwarming: it turns out dogs can feel that way too!
A Charming Exception

You might be wondering how this is even possible.
After all, dogs are known for being super social creatures. They thrive on human interaction and love soaking up all the attention they can get.
But here’s the thing: that’s not the case for every pup. While many dogs are bubbly and energetic, some prefer the cozy comfort of home with their loving humans.
Take Millie, for example. This adorable Blue Heeler is a sweet girl who doesn’t quite fit the mold. Despite her breed’s reputation for being friendly with everyone, Millie just doesn’t know how to socialize in those bustling gatherings.

The Festivity Favorite
When Millie’s parents throw a little party, she’s not quite sure how to handle it.
Rather than strutting confidently through the crowd, seeking out snuggles and pets, Millie finds her comfort in a cozy corner, trying to make sense of all the excitement around her.

And yes, this happens every single time, so her mom, Mia Cherepko, decided to capture it on video.
“She’s always been a bit anxious. At social events, she tends to stick close to me or my husband. Like in the video, she often finds random spots around the house to creep around. She wants to be social but just doesn’t know how,” Cherepko shared with Newsweek.
As much as Millie yearns to join in, something seems to hold her back.
Even when she musters the courage to get up and move, she inevitably finds herself back in a corner, giving the most awkward stare around the room!

The Most Adorable Introvert
Whenever a dog does something out of the ordinary, the internet can’t get enough!
A flood of humans filled the comments on this video, showering Millie with love and sympathy for her adorable antics.
One commenter perfectly captured the vibe: “We would be two socially awkward girls together in the corner, both too shy to explain why we’re hiding out!”
“I can totally relate to that if I were a dog,” another commenter shared.
Even the official Google account chimed in with a hilarious remark: “We can’t translate dog, but those eyes say, ‘When are they leaving?'”
We can all understand how Millie feels in those social situations.
With all those unfamiliar faces and loud sounds, it’s no wonder anyone might feel a bit out of place