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5 Super Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog and Strengthen Your Bond

Every dog lover knows that once you bring home a cute little pup, there are certain things you’ve got to do.

Along with making them feel comfortable in their new home, it’s super important to build a strong bond so you can truly become best buds.

Let’s get started!

1. Teach Them to “Speak”

If your furry friend loves to be vocal, this trick is perfect.

Start by encouraging your dog to bark naturally. You can do this by showing them a treat but holding off on giving it right away.

As soon as your dog barks, say “speak” in an excited voice. Then, reward them with a treat and plenty of praise.

Keep practicing until they get the hang of it.

If your pup is a bit quiet, give it some time to learn this trick—patience is key!

2. Get Them to “Sit”

For this trick, grab a tasty treat and hold it near your dog’s nose while they’re standing.

As they sniff, slowly raise your hand. As their head follows the scent, they’ll naturally sit down.

The moment their bottom touches the ground, say “sit” and give them the treat.

Keep repeating this until they understand what you’re asking for.

3. Teach Them to “Shake”

Dogs often raise their paws when they want something, so teaching this trick is a breeze.

First, you’ll need to teach your dog to sit, or you can start when they’re already sitting on their own.

Hold a treat in your fist and show it to them. If they lift their paw, even just a bit, open your hand and give them the treat.

If they don’t lift their paw, gently help them by lifting it yourself.

Remember to say “shake” as you reward them. Practice this a few times until they’ve mastered it.

4. Show Them How to “Spin”

While your dog is standing, hold a treat near its nose and let it sniff it out. Once they’re interested, slowly move the treat to the side, encouraging them to follow it.

Keep moving the treat in a circle until they’ve spun all the way around. As soon as they complete the circle, say “spin” and give them the treat along with a good cuddle.

Repeat until they understand.

Later on, you can even teach them to spin left or right with specific commands.

5. Teach Them to “Lay Down”

With your dog sitting, hold a treat close to their nose.

Slowly move your hand to the floor, guiding them to lie down. Once they’re fully on the ground, say, “Lay down,” and reward them with the treat.

Keep practicing until they’ve got it.

Why Learning Tricks is Important

Teaching your dog tricks isn’t just about showing off their cuteness—it keeps them happy and healthy.

Tricks help stimulate your dog’s mind, which is super important for their overall well-being.

Plus, it strengthens your bond and helps them understand your cues, making life together even better.

Overall, teaching tricks is a wonderful way to strengthen the bond with your dog. It’s a special time when dog owners get to share quality moments with their pups, helping them learn new things while deepening the relationship and creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

A Little Tip for Success

Make sure to have plenty of treats on hand during your training sessions. They’re a great way to motivate your dog and let them know they’re doing a good job.

And before you start, be sure to teach your dog how to take treats gently from your hand!

Final Thoughts

There are tons of other tricks you can teach your pup, but I wanted to start with the easiest ones. These tricks won’t overwhelm you or your little friend. Remember, every dog learns at their own pace, so be patient. Trust me, it’ll all be worth it. Happy training!