Gina spent her entire life yearning for just one thing—love.
But she never received love. Instead, she lived in a filthy cage, surrounded by her waste and spoiled food.
These unbearable conditions weighed heavily on her, breaking her spirit over a decade of captivity. Gina was no longer the joyful dog she once had been.
So, when her neighbor finally saw her after years of silence, the sight brought tears to her eyes.
Gina’s Heartbreaking State

Gina’s neighbor was heartbroken, unable to fathom how anyone could let a dog suffer like this.
Once a beautiful, proud white giant with eyes that sparkled with joy, Gina had now faded into a frail version of her former self. Her body, thin and weak, weighed barely half of what it once had.
Without hesitation, the neighbor reached out to local rescuers, who arrived within minutes, ready to give Gina the care she so desperately needed.

Upon hearing Gina’s heartbreaking story, a kind woman gently convinced her owner to let her go. She welcomed Gina into her care, lifting her carefully into the car.
As they drove away, Gina sensed that a new life was beginning. She was both curious and a little unsure, but her frail body could hardly keep up with her spirit. Still, she managed the softest smile for her new momma, a glimmer of hope beneath her weariness.
When they arrived home, Gina’s new mom quickly realized her rescue needed urgent medical care. Beyond being malnourished, Gina was visibly struggling, sparking deep concern in her new caregiver.
Her energy was so depleted that she could barely open her mouth, and her appetite had disappeared entirely. Sitting quietly in one spot was all she could manage.
At her first vet appointment the following day, Gina’s mom received heartbreaking news. This gentle, loving soul was diagnosed with a malignant tumor deep in her middle ear—a condition that was silently, steadily draining her life away.

Fluids had started gathering in her ear, and the tumor began to break through her cheek, bringing Gina immense pain.
The only way to give her a chance at more time was through surgery, followed by several rounds of chemotherapy. But both were incredibly expensive, and there was no promise they would truly help Gina.
A New Fight for Tomorrow

In the face of everything, Gina’s mom chose to leap.
Though the cost was high and the outcome uncertain, she was willing to sacrifice it all for her precious girl. Gina went through a complex surgery, followed by round-the-clock intensive care at the clinic.
With IV drips and drains placed on her cheek and neck, this resilient girl received all the love and care possible. Her mom visited her daily, speaking softly and petting her gently, hoping to bring her even a moment of comfort amidst her pain.

Miraculously, against all odds, it worked.
Gina began to recover, though the chemotherapy left its mark on her fragile body. Her fur had thinned, and her surgical wound still needed time to heal, yet she found a small spark of hope resting on her momma’s shoulder.
And then, she discovered something else—a way to bring back her appetite. Her caregivers noticed that Gina had a special love for grilled chicken, and their hearts lifted. They’d found the perfect treat to comfort her after each challenging chemo session—a simple yet precious gift that brought her joy every time.

Gina and her momma will keep facing this battle side by side.
After all the hardship Gina has known, her new mom is determined to give her the love and care she’s longed for. With everything Gina has endured, she deserves to know a life filled with comfort, happiness, and memories worth treasuring.