Seven years ago, Brittany Simpson and her family faced the unimaginable: their beloved dog, Ruger, disappeared from their front yard. It seemed like a case of dog napping, and the family was left devastated.
“We searched for a good month after he went missing,” Simpson shared in a post, explaining that Ruger had been microchipped. But despite their efforts, no trace of him was found.
As time passed, the pain of losing Ruger never faded, but the hope of finding him dwindled.
A Glimmer of Hope
Last week, while scrolling through Facebook, Brittany stumbled upon a photo that stopped her in her tracks. The image was of a dog posted in a local “lost/found pet” group by a kind stranger, Rebecca.
Rebecca had found the dog wandering on her property in poor condition and hoped the family would recognize him — not realizing how long it had been since they’d last seen him.
Simpson was in shock.
“I immediately saw him, and my heart dropped!” Simpson told The Dodo. “I was like, ‘That looks so much like my dog.’”
Although the dog was older, he had all the familiar markings that Brittany remembered so well.
“I believe this is my dog,” she commented on Rebecca’s post. “He’s been missing 7 years!”
She shared a photo for proof.
The Long-Awaited Reunion
The excitement was overwhelming as the truth unfolded — the dog was indeed Ruger.
“[Rebecca] took him to the vet,” Simpson said. “I got a call about an hour later from the microchip agency, and he was mine!”
Simpson rushed to the vet, her heart racing, to finally be reunited with the pup she had thought was gone forever.
Before Ruger went missing, he had been a cherished companion to Simpson’s young children. Though the kids had grown, Ruger had never left their hearts.
Simpson captured the emotional moment she shared the news with her children that Ruger wasn’t just a memory anymore:
Now, back at home, Ruger is slowly adjusting to life with his family once again. While his whereabouts over the years remain a mystery, an untreated skin condition suggests he wasn’t well cared for during his time away.
“He’s getting back to normal now,” Simpson said.
Ruger is finally home where he belongs, and his family is filled with gratitude.
“It feels like we’re living a dream,” Simpson said. “We just sit and cuddle him and watch him sleep.”