One of the most heartbreaking sights is witnessing a once-beloved pet, confused and lost, left behind. According to statistics from The Zebra, over 3.9 million dogs are abandoned or surrendered to shelters across the USA each year. Sadly, today’s story features one such pup.
I’m honored to introduce you to Chewy, a once-abandoned little guy who found the strength to wag his tail again.
A sad goodbye
A frightened and injured 3-month-old Chihuahua was discovered in a restroom at a Las Vegas airport. At first, the woman who found him feared he was yet another pup cruelly abandoned. However, as she looked closer, she realized this was not the case at all.
Approaching the terrified little one, she spotted a small letter that revealed he wasn’t unwanted. The letter detailed a series of unfortunate events that compelled his owner to leave the state, leaving her beloved dog behind.
The letter wrote:
“Hello! My name is Chewy! My owner found herself in a tough situation, caught in an abusive relationship, and unfortunately couldn’t take me on her flight. Leaving me behind broke her heart; she truly had no other choice. During our struggles, my ex-boyfriend hurt me, and I had a big bump on my head. I might need to see a vet. My owner loves me dearly — please give me the love and care I deserve!”
I can only imagine how frightened that little guy must have felt.
Thankfully, a compassionate person discovered Chewy and was eager to help. He was quickly taken to Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue, where he was embraced with open arms. Thus, his journey to recovery began!
A Fresh Start
Chewy was initially rushed to the ER, where it was a relief to learn that he had no serious injuries. Following that, he was taken to a local vet for a thorough checkup, ensuring he received care from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail.
He received all his necessary vaccinations and underwent a fecal test to confirm his health.
With some love and care, Chewy quickly bounced back and began searching for his forever home! The wonderful team at Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue shared his story on Facebook, spreading the word that this sweet pup was ready for a new family to love him. It didn’t take long for him to find just that!
Chewy is now not just a cherished member of a loving home; he’s also part of the CoMillie’s Millie’s Dog Rescue team, serving as a poignant reminder that many pets share similar heartbreaking stories.
If you find yourselfcan’tle to care for your pet or no longer want them, please consider bringing them to your local rescue. And if you’re ready to welcome a new furry friend into your life, visit your local shelter and embrace the joy of becoming a proud pet parent!