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Heartbroken Pup With Severe Eye Infection Left In A Box Makes Remarkable Recovery

I considered beginning this story with “life writes…”, but that felt off. It’s not life that pens our stories; it’s us and those around us who truly shape them.

Sadly, humans can both craft and star in these narratives. Unlike us, however, innocent creatures like little Alberto have no choice but to accept their fate.

While it’s disheartening that some can be so cruel as to harm or abandon animals, it’s equally uplifting to know that compassionate souls are willing to go to great lengths to save a precious pet like Bella.

Source: YouTube

A Glimmer of Hope

Discovering a tiny pup discarded in a trash bin is a heart-wrenching sight for anyone with a soul.

Alberto, a dainty but resilient dog, managed to endure the harshness of life alone and suffering in a trash can. Her eye infection, likely a reason for her abandonment, was a grim sign of her plight.

Source: YouTube

Fortunately, a dedicated team from the organization Paticasporayudar, including the compassionate woman featured in the Paws Show’s video, found Bella and tended to her needs without delay.

The woman was devastated by Alberto’s condition, her heart breaking over the cruelty that led to this innocent creature being cast aside when she needed help the most:

“Who could have a heart so cold to do such a thing? I can’t leave her like this.”

She reached out for help from kind-hearted individuals while holding Bella in the discarded bin, a scene that tugged at my heartstrings as well.

Yet, it was incredibly heartening to witness the following part of the video, which focused on Alberto’s transformation from despair to recovery.

With the aid of kind-hearted individuals, Alberto’s once grim situation turned into a beacon of hope.

Source: YouTube

Alberto’s Journey to Healing

Bella faced not only the trauma of abandonment and malnutrition but also a severe eye infection caused by parasitic flies.

These pests feed on the tears of dogs, laying their eggs in their eyes. Alberto’s eye infection was dire, but with the intervention of a veterinarian who performed surgery to remove the parasites, she was spared from blindness. [1]

The amazing team from Rescue Paws did everything in their power to ensure Alberto’s safety and well-being. Their joy when Bella began to eat and open her eyes again was immense, a reaction that’s completely understandable given how charming this little pup is.

Source: YouTube

From a Mere Survivor to a Cherished Companion

Today, Alberto’s vibrant personality and boundless energy make it hard to believe the hardships she endured. Her playful spirit and zest for life highlight just how special she is, and her recovery stands as a testament to the worthiness of saving every animal in need.

Source: YouTube

She revels in the company of her rescuers and fellow furry friends, enjoying games and cuddles. It seems Bella has also found her forever human, as described by her rescuer:

“Here, we continue with Alberto’s recovery, and day by day, she improves. My beautiful girl, my love, my sweet, small, noble, tenderly cherished child.”

Source: Instagram

I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

Though Alberto’s story began in sorrow, there’s nothing more heartwarming than seeing an abandoned, ill pup finally embrace life with joy and affection.

None of this would have been possible without the kindness of the people from Rescue Paws.

Source: YouTube


1. Coates, Jennifer. (January 18, 2018.) “Eyeworm Infection in Dogs.” PetMD Website.